Saturday, February 9, 2008

Dear Steve Spielberg: Please Don't Sodomize My Childhood

Dear Mr. Spielberg:

Let me start by saying what a huge fan I am of your work. I’ve enjoyed watching your movies immensely over the years and many of your films are among my all time favorites. Your movies are always highly entertaining and nearly impossible not to enjoy.

Well, ok, Jurassic Park 2: Lost World was a serious misstep. Who knew dinosaurs could be so lifeless and boring? AI was a complete snooze-fest. And really, War of the Worlds, while being visually fantastic, was pretty much a load of crap. But we can go ahead and blame Tom Cruise for that one, mainly because I’ve never been much of a fan of his. And Dakota Fanning… that little girl seriously creeps me out. She’s got a real Village of the Damned vibe going.

But I’m getting off track here. The purpose of my letter is to talk to you about the upcoming release of the newest Indiana Jones movie. I have to say that when I was growing up, Raiders of the Lost Ark was (and is) one of my favorite movies EVER. My brother and I must have seen Temple of Doom two dozens times in the theater the summer it came out. I still recall my mother shrieking out loud in a crowded theater when that guy’s heart got ripped out of his chest. Thanks for one of the funniest memories from my childhood!

So you would think I’d be looking forward to the next Indiana Jones movie. And I am, but not as much as I probably should be. I’m cautiously excited about Indy’s return to the big screen. “Why cautiously?” you might be asking yourself.

Cautiously because I was once really looking forward to the continuation of a beloved childhood movie series. Once waited overnight in line to see the movie on opening night. Once sat in a movie theater on that opening night and watched in abject horror as some of my most cherished movie memories were raped and destroyed. I’m of course speaking of Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, aka Episode 1.

Now I know you and George Lucas are close friends, but I have to say that he really made a mess of things with the Prequels. All three of them were horrible and for the most part entirely unwatchable. Even if you take out Jar Jar Binks.

Some will say Episode 3/Revenge of the Sith was at least “better than Episodes 1 and 2.” True. But that’s like saying “getting punched in the stomach is better than getting kicked in balls.” While that’s technically accurate, nobody enjoys a punch to the stomach. Or even thinks to themselves (while doubled over in pain trying not to throw up) “I’m sure glad it was a punch to the stomach and not a kick in the balls.”

So I make this plea to you Mr. Spielberg. On behalf of myself and everyone else of my generation that grew up thrilling to the adventures of Indiana Jones. Who begged (BEGGED!) their parents to buy them a bull whip. (And had their parents refuse even though you promised never to use the bull whip on your little brother. How is that fair?!?!) Who have enjoyed watching Raiders, Temple of Doom and Last Crusade over and over. Who now want to enjoy the next Indy movie with their own children.

So I implore you Mr. Spielberg. On behalf of all of us. Please, please, PLEASE… don’t sodomize my childhood.



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